How to Freeze Mangoes ? How To Freeze Mango Puree ?

Mango is often used in preparing numerous things, but we can only make them till the mango season .i.e. for 2 to 3 months when mangoes are easily available in the market. If we store the mango pulp in freezer then we can bring relish the taste of mango till the next it's next season. To make mango pulp, select the mangoes of your choice. If you find some threads in the mango pulp, then you can strain it. 

हिन्दी में पढिये : How to Freeze Mangoes ? How To Freeze Mango Puree ?   


  • Mangoes - 1 kg (4 to 5 medium size)

How to Make Mango Puree

Wash mangoes and dry completely. Take one mango, peel and cut pulp in 1 to 1.5 inch chunks. Remove the seed. Likewise cut pulp from all the mangoes. 

Place the mango chunks in the mixture grinder and make a fine paste. Mango puree is ready. Store the mango puree or pulp in air tight container and place it in freezer. 

Whenever you need to make something from mango pulp, then take it out from container and after 2 to 3 minutes, when pulp gets slightly soft, cut the required amount of pulp from it with help help of spoon or knife. Immediately place rest of pulp back in freezer and whenever you need pulp, take it out from the freezer. This mango pulp can be stored till up to next mango season. 


After making pulp, immediately place it in freezer and while taking it out make sure it doesn't stay outside for more than 3 to 4 minutes. If the pulp will stay out for lobger duration then it can melt. And with repetitive melting, there can be change in taste. You can even store the pulp in small containers as well. Use one whole container at one time.  

How to Make Mango Puree Video in Hindi



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